Monday, January 6, 2014

Me So Pretty

A friend of mine shared a website today. Go to won't regret it.  I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! The web page has pictures of pretty girls making really "ugly" faces.  I have no problem acting silly and not really caring what other people think of me and my crazy antics.  If you would've asked me to do this about 15 years ago, there would have been no way I would have, but now that I have had children, well, let's just say that I have no problem making silly faces for a crowd to see.

So, I share the website on my Facebook page and ask women to post their "ugly" faces in the comment section.  There were two ladies who actually did it.  Kudos to them!  I had other friends text me their picture, show me in person, and refuse to do it.  It got me thinking about life.

We are all beautiful just the way that God created us.  However, we have an "ugly" side too that rears it's ugly head in moments of panic, fear, anger, selfishness, and lack of self esteem. (Bless my poor husband and children who are subject to this side the most.  And maybe some drivers...if they could only drive better!)  When people show other's this side, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and sometimes in a state of having to ask for forgiveness.  Is this entirely bad?  I don't think so.  These moments allow us to be real.  When we find ourselves vulnerable, that is when God can move.  Sometimes it may mean asking for forgiveness, and other times might mean offering it.  Doesn't our Maker do that with us?  I can only hope that I am moving forward in practicing, "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." (Colossians 3:13)

Ok, so I have to share my pretty girl ugly face picture.  It is a scary sight.  But, I am being vulnerable...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Light the Night (and the embers under my butt)

The thing about New Year's resolutions is that we make them with the anticipation for something great...and the end result is a few strong attempts, some mediocre ones, and many short-lived results.  At least that's how it is for me.  Thus, here goes my "strong" attempt at starting up my blog again.  *Just a note...this was NOT started on the 1st (thank you, manual timestamp!), but let's disregard that point.  We can all pretend, can't we??*

Here is a short synopsis of what the rest of 2012 held...and ALL of 2013...

September-December 2012:
These months were full of busy-ness (what months aren't??).  We bid farewell to a dear family in our squadron, I started an ongoing journey that I might be able to share one day (let's just say, God had MANY plans for us resting on this pivotal moment), met up with a high school friend who choreographs for the Sesame Street USO tour (perk to getting us backstage passes ;)), got to see my bestie and the International Ballofon Fiesta in Albuquerque, celebrated the kids' 2nd birthday, spent Thanksgiving with my inlaws, first Christmas in San Antonio and then in Oklahoma.

This year was full of growing, fun, and family.  We spent lots of time with friends and family and visiting various parts of the US.  I started my handmade/resale business, we visited Albuquerque again, bought a different car due to a total loss accident, had friends visit us, participated in extracurricular activities, visited family in the midwest, visited my inlaws and met our new nephew, Kip led a team to graduation in the indoctrination course of his job, visited my grandmother's house in Kansas, took a trip to Disney World, saw old friends back in Georgia, threw a smaller birthday party for the children, cooked our own Thanksgiving dinner, and went to Oklahoma for Christmas.  We also had our share of difficulties.  I lost my grandmother (the one I mentioned in You Only Live Once), and my other grandmother was moved to a nursing home.

This year, my goal is to document life.  I am almost afraid to admit that my memory is not in good standing.  Many important and not so important things have been forgotten with only (hopefully) pictures to remain.  Sadly.  I don't want to forget moments that I shouldn't.

As the new year is celebrated with fireworks (for the ENTIRE neighborhood...never seen anything like it...even in Washington, D.C. on the Mall), I want to light up the year with memories.